


Students should think of as many solutions as possible for the problem definition from the previous phase



By focusing on quantity over quality in this phase, you increase the chances of finding new, unorthodox solutions. Students make maximum use of their creative capabilities. As each member of the group has his/her own perspective, this also ensures maximum benefit from the cooperation



By focusing on quantity over quality in this phase, you increase the chances of finding new, unorthodox solutions. Students make maximum use of their creative capabilities. As each member of the group has his/her own perspective, this also ensures maximum benefit from the cooperation.




Now that the group has a vision of what they want to achieve, they need to think of as many (dozens) ideas as possible that meet these requirements:

-        A pub crawl

-        A city trip

-        Watching The Naked Gun 2½

-        Pyjama party with childhood friends at his house

-        ......

If the ideas are too divergent, then you can advise the group to go back to define the ideate phase more clearly. And if the group does not have enough ideas, then they can go back to the ideate phase to expand the definition, or even go back to the empathise phase to conduct more research into the target group. With this, the teacher promotes the cyclical approach.

Example from practice


A group of students are looking for solutions that contribute to the climate problem.

They have collected all kinds of ideas and now classify them with arguments for or against. This involves as many "testable" arguments as possible, because in the first instance any idea could be useful. 




More is better!


Bring all the ideas together in an organised manner. 


Don't give negative feedback on ideas!