Reflective Evaluation




After a first probability check of the answer, the pupil checks whether the answer is in agreement with the goal of the assignment. The teacher only coaches when the pupil fails to do this.





The pupil checks whether his or her answer is in line with the goal of the assignment. If necessary, the teacher can question the pupils as to whether their answer is in line with the goal of the assignment. If feasible, the teacher asks which questions the pupils should ask themselves. When the pupil is unable to think of questions to review the goal while evaluating his answer, the teacher hands him these questions explicitly (see below under HOW).




The pupil asks himself this kind of question: Is my answer indeed an answer to this question? Is this what is asked in the question? Have I completed the task correctly and in full? Have I missed anything? The pupil looks back on the assignment; when the purpose of the assignment was to gather information, the pupil wonders if he now knows enough about the subject of the text.




This step is a reflective evaluation where the pupil reflects whether his or her answer agrees with the goal of the assignment. Testing it to substantiate that the answer meets the goal of the assignment and is an extra metacognitive action resulting in better answers.




With sums, it happens regularly that someone calculates without any mistakes, but still gives a false answer because they do not carefully reflect on the sum. A clear example of this is a word problem where someone buys two books of 4 euros each: it is entirely correct that together, they cost 8 euros, but this is actually the wrong answer if the question was how much change a person would get if he had paid with a 10 euro note..