Samenwerkingsverband Passend Onderwijs VO 2801

The SWVVO 2801 (Alliance Suitable Education in Secondary Education)  is a foundation in which 12 school boards are connected with a total of 26 secondary sschools and secondary special education in the region Leiden.

Our partnership aims to provide adequate education to pupils with special support needs at the schools affiliated with the Alliance in order to obtain a diploma or to prepare them for a job.

From the 2014 according to Dutch law  the Alliances for Suitable Education have also the responsability to enhance appropiarte education in schools and beyond for high abled students with special needs. 
The SWVVO 2801 hosts the International Partnership for Talenteducation, granted by Erasmusplus, on behalf of Schools and other educational institutions in Leiden . The SWVVO 2801 is in cooperation with the SWVPPO (Primary schools) also responsable for the Leiden Approach of Talenteducation  (